search engine
Search Engine Optimisation
We will in crease your search engine rankings and website CRO to help drive awareness towards your business and, in turn, your revenue
social media
Social Media Management
We will create your social media calendar, with organic posts and paid advertisement on the right social channel for your business
google ads
Google Ads Management
Going beyond clicks and ad impressions, we focus on data-driven results to improve your online conversion rate and generate more sales.
Digital Marketing Agency

If you’re new to digital marketing, it can be hard to know which services will give you the best return on investment. Not every strategy works the same way for every business or industry. You need to do your research and define your business goals clearly from the start. And this is where our team can help.

Integer Marketing consultants will focus on your business like it’s their own. With a well-rounded team of social media marketers, content creators, paid advertising experts, and SEO specialists, Integer can be your external digital marketing agency.

To engage our services or discuss how we can help grow your business, please get in touch. First, we will provide a free initial assessment of your business’s digital channels. Then, let us present you with data-driven recommendations on boosting online traffic, leads, and sales.

With organic conversion rates being 8x higher than paid campaigns, Search Engine Optimisation is a vital digital marketing channel for all businesses.
Social Media
This channel has the power to connect your business to more than 4 billion users worldwide. let Integer develop full-scale social media campaigns for your brand.
Web Design
Having a modern, functional website goes a long way. Our team can ensure that yours is optimised for both users and search engines.
Let us maximise your budget & ROI with highly strategic paid edvertising campaigns. We'll target ready-to-buy customers who are looking for your products.
Content Marketing
Content is always KING! Let our team of pros create engaging, appropriate, and SEO-friendly content for all your digital marketing channels.
Email Marketing
With conversion rates that always fly north of 15%, this strategy can give your business the extra boost it need to zoom past the competition
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bing ads
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